about me

Meet the face behind the camera:
Photo Credit: Rachel Hoover

I'm Bonnie Miller, nice to meet you!
 Happily married to my husband, Shea, & we have 2 kids.
Passionate. Creative. Always on the go.

Some small details about me:
My favorite color is green, I had never moved once in my life (until I married Shea), I love breakfast for dinner...like it could seriously be every meal & I'd be okay with that, and I consider myself an old soul. Both Shea & I truly think we were born in the wrong generation. I would not have minded traveling to the west, cooking over a fire in a log cabin home, and farming/homesteading. I know, crazy...I blame Laura Ingalls and the Little House On the Prairie series (well, & my mother...since she is pretty much has the same soul as I do)!
My number one passion is Jesus.
My second is turning photography into art.

I pride myself in my family, and doing good...showing a little light in this dark world! 
Photo credit: Rachel Hoover

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