Thursday, August 14, 2014

I am.

I am a woman.
I am a human.
I am His, created wonderfully in His image.

I am a woman.
Ravaged by these world's standards
Stacking higher,

I am a woman.
A body leered over
A personality not good enough
A constant contest, never won
But always played.

I am a woman.
I walk streets, filled with fear
Living in a place where beauty is taken over brains
Or worse, not wanted at all.

I am a woman.
Counted out for being small
Counted out for being prude
Counted out for being different.

I am human.
I feel things
I feed off judgement and acceptance
I seek things of temporary fulfillment.

I am human.
I walk away from controversy,
Even if it means leaving someone in need
Then I feel shame.

I am human.
I stare at others,
Thinking only of flaws
Forgetting that I am no better.

I am His, created wonderfully in His image.
I am not made for this world,
But something greater
I have purpose.

I am His, created wonderfully in His image.
I am a soul,
created to carry out His masterpeice
Beautifully woven together by God Himself.

I am His, created wonderfully in His image.
I am a wife,
Blessed with a husband who sees deeper than my skin
Blessed with a husband who loves me as he loves his own body.

I am His, created wonderfully in His image.
I am a mother
Gifted with a body created for nurturing
Blessed with children who give me a glimspe of my God.

I am His, created wonderfully in His image.
I am created to love,
Created to care for the least.
Created to submit, but given choice.

I am His, created wonderfully in His image.
I am a child of the one true God
Every hair on my head is counted
I am created for greater love.

I am His, created wonderfully in His images.
I am a human.
I am a woman.

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