Thursday, September 11, 2014

Keeley's going to Guatemala, & it's pretty great!

So one of my best friends (who also happens to be my sister in-law) is getting the chance to go to Antigua, Guatemala for one year. She was recently there for 2 weeks, and came back with awesome stories of serving people and having adventures in a beautiful place (I'm just a little jealous of her).
But I want everyone to know about her upcoming trip to spread God's love. I also used this great thing to photograph her for my business portfolio, and in turn am using it to help spread the word (;

So here's a little something about Keeley, she's a great example of God's love. She selflessly gives, loves, and serves in His name, only to further to His Kingdom. She's a great sister, a great Aunt, and an overall great person. She has a way with people. For example, she used to work in a health and rehabilitation facility, and SO many of the people that live and work there speak so highly of her. Elderly residents wanted to hold her hand and just spend the day talking. She never told them that she had too much work to do, or didn't have the time. She always stopped, and always made them smile. She's been wired to love in a way that so many of us don't know how to. She always seems to be full of joy, and knows how to laugh! God has POURED blessings over her, and I can't wait to see what this trip in particular holds for her.
© BonnieMillerInspired
This is a photo of some girls at their home, in Antigua. They live in impoverished conditions at the base of a volcano. They live close to an after school program/feeding center where GO, the organization Keeley is going on behalf of, is connected and helps with. For some it's the only source of schooling, and for others it's also the only meal they receive for the day.
© BonnieMillerInspired
Keeley isn't going to sit around and read the Bible to a bunch of kids that don't even speak English. She's going to DO. She's going to be feeding, teaching, learning, loving, and spreading God's love through ACTIONS, not just words. “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matthew 25:40, Keeley fully grasps this.

© BonnieMillerInspired

In order to do all of this, Keeley is going to need some resources and help. She will need approximately $4,000 for plane tickets, cost of living, everything! She will also need endless amounts of prayer. Prayers over her trip, throughout the duration of time she'll be living there, over her connections and relationships, that God would grow them and let them flourish, and also that she would be guided to do and complete whatever God calls her to, along with what she is already going down there to do through GO. If you'd like to be a part of this, do it! Pray for her, get a group of people together and lay hands on her. Or if you have the means to support her financially, go find her and learn more about how to, or click here, gofundme, to visit her site. There's so many ways to support her, I encourage you to find one!
© BonnieMillerInspired
Isaiah 1:7 says "Learn to do right. Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Keeley has it on her gofundme site, and I firmly believe this is exactly what she'll be doing in Guatemala! Let's help her get there!!! And if you just want to know more about Guatemala and her trips in the past...ask her. I know she'd love to talk to you about it!

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